Sunday, March 13, 2011


There was a time in my baking life, when I did nothing but bake those cake and pastry rolls, I was getting so excited when I see filling of sweet goodness twirling within a fluffy bed of flour and yeast, spinning like a wheel in motion, and white and other (rainbow) colours in kaleidoscope. My poor little boy, he was subjected to taste test in epic proportions. Lol! Mohnstrudel is an Austrian staple and just to be able to bake it, is like getting a few steps closer to my ultimate dream of baking a variety of danish pastries. It may seem a herculean task at the moment, but I will eventually get there.  Sooner or later, I need to muster such indefatigable courage. But I have faith in my heart and infinite possibilities are born of faith, after all. For the meantime, Mohnstrudel will do. And baking Mohnstrudel is no Monster-del task either. Its very easy and anyone can enjoy baking it as much as I did and still do. 

660g Flour (preferably class AA flour)
250g Butter 
60g sugar
7g of instant yeast
pinch of salt
250ml milk

400 ml Water
180g Sugar
20g Butter
400g ground Nuts (almonds, hazelnuts)
120g Breadcrumbs
80g Raisins
Lemon Peel

1. Crumble the salted flour and the butter (I used my finger tips and mix them until the flour becomes grainy). Knead together with sugar, yeast & milk into a smooth dough (I kneaded mine for at least 8 minutes) and then proof for an hour or until double in size.

2. In the meantime prepare the filling. Bring to boil Water, Butter and sugar. Mix in remaining ingredients to a smooth texture. Let it cool. Divide dough into 3 parts and then roll out each part into a rectangle. Layer with filling and roll.

3. Glaze with eggyolk and poke 20 times with a fork.

4. Bake at 150-170deg for 30mins.

* If you are too tired to do the filling preparations or did not have enough filling for your dough, you can substitute it with nutella spread, trust me its as good as the mohnstrudel filling, or even better.


  1. Beautiful rolls. The filling looks so good.

  2. omg they look so moist and delicious! well done! :)

  3. I say this is a good starter in your baking adventure - keep it up and don't be afraid! You only get better even through the disasters :)

  4. Thanks everyone. I am not a chef/baker. But my "exuberance" for baking more than compensates. Hehehe. Thanks again for leaving a comment or two. x



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