Monday, April 25, 2011

Almond Donut

I thought the sun's not going to come out today...I woke up late and the first thing I saw across our terrace was the city all fogged out. What to do during a day so bleak? Arm with my kitchen gadgets, I gather my acts together, and started kneading my dough away...

And just when I was starting to fry my donuts, I slowly felt the warmth of the sun on my right cheek and sun rays streaming down through our glass door at the terrace...

And as happy as I am how my donuts came out, the sun was blaring its gladness, and quite noticeably now, warm and mighty albeit not scorching hot.

The day ended beautifully after all.


I am writing this post with Ate Zaidia in mind as well - good friend (her sister Jiji and I were good friends back in high school), globe trotter, and one who encouraged me to start a blog of my own. 

Thank you. Like my donuts and the sun today, you are beautiful...
*Snagged from

What's good with these donuts is that it does not require baking.

500g high protein flour - bread flour
100g sugar
11g instant yeast
4 egg yolks
200 ml water

100g butter / margarine
1 tsp salt

200g White Cooking Chocolate - melted
100g Almond Slice - roastrd

Stir ingredients A, knead until lumpy, add ingredients B, continue to knead until smooth elastic.
Rest dough for 10 minutes.. divide dough into several balls weighing 40g each.
Rest for a further 20 minutes.
Punch a hole through the middle, then fry until cooked. Drain. Chill.
Dip one side surface of the donut in the melted chocolate, sprinkle almond.
Place donut in fridge to harden chocolate..

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